Revolver X Bounce Girlz Pres. Damn Damn Party feat. PITCHTUNER 06/03 (Fri.)@ Revolver

挖屋挖屋挖屋!!Damn Damn派對又來了!!!好興奮喔好興奮喔!!Bounce Girlz這次跟Revolver一起合作,除了要為大家帶來一個超級酷的柏林新銳電子藝人PITCHTUNER!!還會有馬拉松式的Massive Line Up演出陣容!!落日飛車Sunset Rollercoaster/ Swingchild X Facial Peace B2B set/ Bounce Girlz/ James Ho/ Rob Jabbaz


地點:Revolver 中正區羅斯福路一段1-2號 電話: (02)33931678
日期:六月三號 星期五

Venue: No.1-2, Sec. 1, Roosevelt Rd, Jhongjheng Dist, Taipei TEL:(02)33931678
Date: June, 3rd, Friday
TIme: 09:00 pm to 04:00 am
Entrance: 400NT with one drink


Pitchtuner是由Johannes Marx與Miki Yoshimura所組成,團長Johannes從6歲開始學習鋼琴,10歲進學校足球隊,15歲成為校隊主力前鋒,但因對音樂的熱愛最終他還是選擇了做音樂。深受古典教育的他對音樂想法非常與眾不同,他們把Basement Jaxx 和J-Pop奇妙地融合到了一起。 2008年他們發表了第三張專輯《Riding the Fire》獲得了巨大成功,他們在電子舞曲中又加入了搖滾的元素,讓他們的音樂聽起來更震撼人心。

Johannes Marx集音樂家和天才發明家於一身,他把自己發明的各種樂器巧妙地運用到了Pitchtuner的表演當中。女貝斯手Miki Yoshimura獨特的嗓音和舞台表現,更豐富了樂隊的現場表演。他們的音樂里有著優美的吉他旋律和強勁的電音搖滾,吸引了眾多像Soulwax和LCD Soundsystem這些著名同行的目光。樂評家們十分喜歡他們,評價他們為“基於電子樂的流行搖滾樂,聰明與簡單相結合,散發著發自內心的異國情調和獨特的節奏。”

Pithctuner的第三張專輯《Riding The Fire》由Moses Schneider (Beatsteaks, Tocotronic, Mediengruppe Telekommander etc.)擔任了部分製作,表現了Pitchtuner日漸成熟的聲音設計和結構。例如《Supersonic Ride》這種pounding disco風格的歌曲,他們就把自己以前更傾向於搖滾的旋律改編成了強勁的舞曲節奏,同時伴隨著強烈的失真效果,令人印象深刻。從其他的單曲中,你還能聽到J-pop、funk、prog-electro等各種風格,這令他們的整張專輯聽起來更令人“目眩神迷”。

現在,他們正忙於第四張現場專輯的製作,這也是他們對於自己設計樂器的一次試驗。最新單曲來自於他們的一次現場互動演出,活躍的DJ表演結合現場樂器演奏。而同眾多當代藝術家的合作,包括Soulwax / 2 Many DJs / Das Pop / Goose / Peaches,勢必會讓他們的新專輯有所突破。

Almost ten years this band has been rocking their own way now. When they started in 2001 nobody had told them that Pitchtuner Electronica-Pop-Rock mixture can stand for long. Only a few months later a new kind of Rock influenced Electronic sound was that new hip thing. The band did what they had to do, unaffected by hypes.

Flight Up The Winding Stairs (2002) and Spiny Lure (2004) were the first two albums. Music walking the narrow path between Dance Music and Independent Pop.
Mainly Four to the Floor hits the kick under live played bass lines, ridden by dribbling funky guitars. Pop on electronic basics: smart and naive at the same time, exotic by nature, freshly grooving.

After three years of touring through Europe and Japan Pitchtuner’s third album Riding The Fire (partly produced by Moses Schneider) came out and presents the band on their highest stage. They got hot Disco Rock tracks such as Supersonic Ride on it, they refied feelings for dance beats (Dance!!!, Kill Me), finally found the right chemicals.

Since 2008 Pitchtuner show up in two different disguises: the band as known trio and the duo version. Distinguishing from the band show, Pitchtuner duo focuses on tracks and a whole dance set at once, on which they perform playful and live. On visible side the duo plays with self built midi guitars, controls computers and samplers that way. Looks very unique & fancy. Right now, Pitchtuner is working on their club oriented fourth album which further goes into experiments with self-designed instruments. The new tracks are translated from their live shows that play like an interactive, hyperactive DJ set with live instruments. With kudos from contemporaries like Soulwax / 2 Many DJs / Das Pop / Goose / Peaches their upcoming album promises to be a true break out for Pitchtuner.

It’s Time To (Maxi CD, Doxa Records 2002)

Flight Up The Winding Stairs (CD, Doxa Records 2002)

Wanton Fever (12″Maxi, Doxa Records 2003)

Spiny Lure (CD, Doxa Records 2004)

Flic Flac (12″Maxi, Doxa Records 2005)

Riding The Fire (Doxa Records 2008)
Riding The Fire (Japan Release on Binyl Records / Avex 2009) 

現在就來看一些他們的現場吧!!Let's check out their Live Video!!

PITCHTUNER @Berlin Square, ExpoShanghai, MadeInBerlin China Tour 2010 by FakeMusicMedia from FAKE MUSIC MEDIA on Vimeo.

Pitchtuner Showreel from Pitchtuner on Vimeo.

然後之前有說,他們還會自己製造樂器,現在就來看一下可愛的Johannes害羞的介紹自己做的樂器吧!!The introduction of the instruments they made themselves by Johannes!!

Tracking Sequencer by Marx Instruments from j. marx on Vimeo.

Midi Rod by Marx Instruments from j. marx on Vimeo.

Off The Grid Sequencer by Marx Instruments from j. marx on Vimeo.

恩恩 看了這麼多,真的是超級期待他們的Live的拉!應該會是蹦蹦跳跳又衝來衝去撒滿汗水的吧!! 不過這樣還沒完喔!!我們Damn Damn派對主旨就是要有Massive Line Ups阿!那這次丹丹派對還有誰要一起表演勒????快告訴我!!

Sunset Rollercoaster 落日飛車

永遠都這麼帥,玩電子玩搖滾都好帥的落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster,全台北想不到有什麼團比他們還帥。The Most Handsome band in Taipei.
Sunset Rollercoaster is a three piece rock outfit out of Taipei, Taiwan. The band draws a strong influence from the sounds of psychadelic rock and garage punk, with "pounding drums," and "Zeppelin-esque chords." Their shows have been well received, with a liveliness and character that set them apart from Taiwan's increasingly crowded indie scene. They are currently in the studio recording their freshman album, which is set to be released later this year.

Check out thier  Facebook Page <-----Click this

Swingchild X Facial Peace B2B Set
Swingchild就是Swingchild,Facial Peace就是以前Eat Me! Black Hole!的一隻,身為丹丹派對的固定嘉賓以及半個創辦人,他們這次決定要合體了!!他們最近分開來樂風都很多變,兩個人加在一起B2B好像會讓人精神分裂也!好帥喔!!Awesome!!

Check out Swingchild's Mix here!!
Check out Facial Peace Mix here!!

DJ Rob Jabbaz (AKA H2SO4)
Rob Jabbaz是全台灣最酷的加拿大人。除了DJ以外,他還是塗鴉人士跟音樂錄影帶導演同時自己還會創作音樂,據說最近很喜歡Moombahton,想要做出嶄新的Moombahton音樂(?)。他的DJ MIX也非常據衝擊力,融合Grime/ Hard House/ Moombahton/ Bass Bass Bass!!!Let's hit the ground, yah?
DJ James Ho
由嘻哈和電子異變出來的Glitch-Hop DJ,玩弄Ableton Live和APC40於指尖,Jamesho偏好現場及時特效與重低音的變化,將多元化的曲風以混音remix和mashup的方式呈現。在十年的DJ經歷累積下,討厭被定義的Jamesho樂風非常的廣泛,混搭著Hip-Hop,Glitch-Hop,Dubstep,Electro。從小玩黑膠唱片長大的James在三年前開始使用Ableton Live來滿足及時特效和一次混三軌歌的慾望,不斷創新的他對任何新的技術與樂風都充滿了強大的好奇心,一種不容錯過的新DJ理念。

Ableton Live and APC40 magician, Jamesho focuses his sets on instant multi-effects and heavy bass sound, presenting various styles in forms of mashup and remixing. In his past 10 years of DJing, James enjoy a wild variety of sounds; Glitch-Hop, Hip-Hop, Dubstep, Electro and Drum&Bass. Growing up with vinyls, James began to play with Ableton live 3 years ago to satisfy his desire on 3 tracks live mixing and instant multi-effects. His curiosity is like a cat when it comes to new music technology and genres. A fresh new way of DJing that you should not miss out!!
Bounce Girlz
Bounce Girlz是veeeky跟sonia兩個妙齡女子所組成,Sonia同時也是台灣電子搖滾女子團體Go chic的成員,我們的名字和彈力球(丸)以及MSTRKRFT有很大的關係!平常除了辦些派對外也會在大小趴體到處放歌喝酒和腦力激盪,目前為止曾經與Jack Beats、Major Lazer、Designer Drugs、NT89還有前一陣子跟日本大軍The Lowbrows、DJ Kyoko、DJ Maar等人一起放過歌! yubiii!而我們Party的內容如果一定要分類的話大概是 UK Garage/ Electro/ House/ Bass,有時候有點內分泌失調!但如果你真的想再詳細標籤下去,只好趕快自己來感受一下了!PARTY!BOUNCE! BOUNCE!
Bounce Girlz is a DJ duo, Veeeky and Sonia, based in Taipei, Taiwan, Sonia is the member of Taiwanese electro-rock band "go chic". They've brought many international act to Taipei and recently started a monthly project called "UnderU" introducing the most advanced dance music to people.
They also play only the best selection of Electro/House/Bass music. They've been played with many noted artist such as Major Lazer, Jack Beats, Designer Drugs, NT89....etc. PREPARE TO BOUNCE!!

恩哼恩哼這麼厲害的Line Up只要400元也!實在是太便宜了!!而且可以Party All Night!!!真的是太胎太期待了!!然後大家也可以Follow我們的FB活動頁面喔!好啦!!那大家六月三號見拉阿哈!!

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