| | | Dancing Through Sunday & Neon Nights present | | |
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JACK BEATS (Cheap Thrills/UK)
DJ Mykal a.k.a 林哲儀
Bounce Girlz
Matty D
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♫下載 Mishka Presents Keep Watch Presents Jack Beats Mix♫:
▷201 ZhongXiao East Road @ DunHua Sec 4 6th floor – elevators adjacent to Starbucks
▷ 忠孝東路四段201號6樓 – 入口電梯位於Starbucks左側
►FRIDAY APRIL 30th 2010
▷10hPM – 4hAM
▷DJ MYKAL a.k.a.林哲儀 (ER Discotheque/BRAiNCHiLD)
▷dancingthroughsundaypresents@ gmail.com +886 981 541 653
▷NT800 pre sale + 2 drinks 預售票NT800 附飲料2杯
▷NT1000 @ door + 2 drinks 現場票NT1000 附飲料2杯
▷NT3000 pre sale 4pax group 預售團體票四張NTD3000
▷NEU (http://www.neu.tw/)
台北市敦化南路1段177巷17號1樓 (02)8771-8170
#17, Lane 177, Sec. 1, Dun Hua South Rd., Taipei
台中市西區公益路68號2F(勤美誠品綠園道) (04)2326-7986
#68, 2F, Gong Yi Rd., Taichung (People’s Park Elite)
台南市中西區衛民街56-1 號 (06)228-1672
#56-1, Wei Min St., West District, Tainan
▷M@M BOUTIQUE (http://mamboutique.blogspot. com/)
台 北市忠孝東路四段112號4樓之3 (頂好麥當勞對面、欣葉餐廳樓上) (02)8771-5688
#112, 4F-3, Zhong Xiao East Rd., Taipei
▷PET SHOPS GIRL (http://www.petshopsgirl.com/ blog/)
台 北市忠孝東路四段205巷26弄5號C店面 (02)27110581
Store C, #5, alley 26, Lane 205, Zhong Xiao East Rd., Taipei
▷SCREAMING (http://www.screaming.idv.tw/ wordpress/)
台 北市萬華區昆明街109號B1-1 (02)2389-6936
#109, B1-1, Kun Min St., Wan Hua District, Taipei (Ximen)
▷KGB (http://kgbburgers.com/)
台 北市師大路114巷5號 (02)2363-6015
#5, Lane 114, Shi Da Rd., Taipei
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Jack Beats is the brainchild of multiple DMC Award winning DJ duo from the UK made up of Niall Dailly (DJ Plus One of Scratch Perverts fame) and Ben Geffin (The Mixologists). On Hervé’s Cheap Thrills Records, they’re the duo behind the notorious Jack Beats remix of La Roux’s I’M NOT YOUR TOY and countless other remixes and productions that are on high rotations in clubs around the world.
They’re ripping up the UK club scene with their new wave of British house music. Wobbly basslines, big breakdowns and edgy accapella’s are cut, copied and pasted together to create a floor-filling brand of house. Citing influences as diverse as Timbaland, Rage Against the Machine, A Guy Called Gerald and Sebastian, the two began to hone a style fusing House, Hip Hop, Drum & Bass and Dubstep with Electro and Baltimore Club, and what emerged was a cutting edge sound.
Support from major industry players Zane Lowe, Annie Mac, the Crookers and the entire blogsphere have propelled them to the next level in ‘09. They are currently finishing off their last remix of the year to start work on their debut album which will be released in May 2010. They are on a touring frenzy as they are a firm-favourite for lovers of all things glitchy and fidgety, and they’re on their way to TAIPEI FUCKING CITY!!!!
來自倫敦的JACK BEATS是由Beni G (Mixologists)和Plus One (Scratch Perverts) 兩位嘻哈音樂界的資深藝人所一起組成的創作雙人團體. Plus One於2001年抱走了DMC世界冠軍大賽冠軍奬杯, Beni G所屬的Mixologists團體也抱走2001年DMC世界 大賽英國區 的團體冠軍(世界第三)..
有著許多輝煌紀錄的JACK BEATS於2009年被簽入英國B-More Dance元老級藝人Herve所創立的Cheap Thrill唱片門下, 先後為各領域的知名藝人製作單曲混音, 包括如 Boy 8-Bit, Passion Pit ,Fake Blood, La Roux, 以及Lady Sovereign等等..每一首都是Party Kids一聽到就立刻在舞池爆炸的混音單曲,如 Frog Bank / Little Secret / Mars / I’m Not Your Toy / I Got You Dancing等等. 這些歌經過Jack Beats的混音再製之後, 每首都被賦予了有別於原曲元素之外更重更深的節拍重擊, 還更搭載著Dubstep,DNB般的閻黑厚重Bass音層..
Jack Beats獨特的音樂結構, 以口語來敘述的話, 就像是很重的萊姆綠色果凍隨意漂浮在外太空彈來彈去的Wobbl y bassline, 加上面對無盡宇宙似的往黑暗世界移動的Dubstep Sounds以及許多活潑又閃亮就像銀河裡面的星星一樣的音色點 綴而成.. 節奏部份Jack Beats從他們的音樂起源Hiphop, Drum and Bass, 叢林音樂等等素材中取樣.. Wobbly bassline + 不受任何限制的節奏/旋律取樣和任意玩弄glitchy & fidgety像雜訊干擾般的音效, Jack Beats為他們自己的style創造了一個新的音樂類別 – UK House!!!!
JACK BEATS的特色就是又重又硬更有趣!!! 狂歡style的音樂特色讓他們在2009年一 眨眼就得到音樂界 龍頭 Zane Lowe, Annie Mac, the Crookers背書力薦.. 多次受邀在Hard Fest與Erol Alkan, Boys Noize, Brodinski, Busy P, Fake Blood, Rusko, Major Lazer, Crookers同台演出.. 也在短短不到一年的時間馬不停蹄的錄製了以下列舉的Mixes : Hard Summer 2009 Promo Mix, Mishka presents Keep Watch Vol.16, Exclusive Fabric Live NYE Mix, BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix…
Jack Beats即將於2010年5月發行首張專輯, 4月30日在The Loft搶先曝光!!!! 準備用太空梭升空般, 超有爆炸力的Wobble Bass/UK House轟炸台北一整晚!!!!!
►DJ MYKAL a.k.a.林哲儀
▓台灣資深樂評、四屆金曲獎評審、兩屆DMC DJ大賽台灣區評審、前mcb Taiwan音樂雜誌總編輯、潮流唱片行M@M Boutique主理人、
▓The Prodigy與The Music樂團台北演唱會唯一指定暖場DJ, 張震嶽全美巡迴御用DJ,並曾與Paul Oakenfold、DJ Shadow、DJ Krush、James Lavelle(UNKLE)、Andy C、DJ Hype、DJ Craze、Fantastic Plastic Machine…等同台演出,2007年底更獲田中知之( Fantastic Plastic Machine) 力 邀赴日擔任在東京指標夜店Yellow舉辦之Grand Tourisme七週年派對的Guest DJ。2009上半年不僅兩度受邀至沖繩演出,七、 八 月時更分別與VERBAL(m-flo/Teriyaki Boyz)和Gaines在涉谷Trump Room與青山Le Baron de Paris同台DJ演出。
▓曾為Christian Dior、Marc Jacobs、Adidas Originals、Puma等知名時尚品牌Fashion Show擔任DJ,2006年兩次連同張震嶽、MC Hotdog兩度赴香港與時裝集團I.T. 旗下品牌Fingercroxx合作舉辦爆滿的演出, 2007年受邀擔任香港潮流品牌 Protest於台灣、 馬來西亞(Zouk)、香港(CIXI) 三地所舉辦之四週年派對的指定DJ, 2008年赴上海擔任 好友李燦琛自家品牌Subcrew直營店U nity開幕Party的Guest DJ,2009年夏天則受邀至新加坡為New Balance x Leftfoot限定鞋款發表派對擔任特邀嘉賓DJ。
▓2007年5月於台灣環球音樂旗下發表首張官方DJ- Mix專輯「Original Brainchild」獲Fantastic Plastic Machine、Dieselboy等國際DJ背書力薦。
Bounce Girlz are Veeeky and Sonia(Go Chic). They've brought you Vicarious Bliss(Ed Banger FR), Shitdisco (UK), Lowbrows(JP) and Designer Drugs(NY). They also play only the best selection of Electro/House music.
Bounce Girlz是由Veeeky跟Sonia搭配的組合也是go chic神祕的親密好友,平常都在到處跳來跳去跟大聲講話, 有時候也會好像跟大人 一樣正經的辦趴體跟放歌, 她們放歌的內容大概是Electro/house吧!但 如果你真的想再詳細分類下去, 只好趕快自己來趴體 幫這些音樂下標籤了喔,哼哼! 讓大家又叫又跳順便四分五裂好了!!!!!
相信大家對Swank DJs並不陌生.. 隸屬Swank DJs的Matty D 五年以來, 從發生在台中的週末Swank Party旋風, 2009墾丁激音改造, 到今年結束了自身修行復出後的首場party跟DJ Spykee Fat在台中造成了全國各地粉絲都往台中跑的瘋狂現象… Matty D曾與 Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.) 同台演出.. 今後Matty D的Big Beats, 群眾魅力, 還有很爆笑的舉動將會全部在Neon Nights at the Loft 高度曝光.. 各位請拭目以待!
Matty Diesel has been making the dance floors of Taiwan move for the last 5 years. With his distinct blend of electro house , indie dance, breaks, and big ass bass, Matty always brings something fresh.
Having shared stages with the likes of Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.), Spykee (Taiwan), plus many other talented djs, Matty Diesel’s passion for dance music comes out at every show. With his animated stage presence, big beats, and interaction with the crowd, every show is different and not to be missed.
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